Welcome to the Photomarathon Loader homepage

Welcome to the homepage of Photomarathon Loader where you can follow the development of software, used to load and analyze JPEG files in connection with photomarathons around the world.

The very first version of the software was developed during my education back in 2009. I contacted the Danish photomarathon and asked if they could be interested in a piece of Windows software, to automate the loading and analyzing of the thousands of pictures, the participants will take during a photomarathon.

From the beginning, the software has been free to use and I promise that it will continue to be. It's my spare time project and it will never change. It also means that the project will develop as I can afford to use the time to develop it.

A short list of functionality is:

- Highly configurable to your needs
- Available in Danish, English, French and German languages
- Supports any memory card type
- Create validation file for each participant
- Support of both 12 and 24 hours photomarathons
- Support of individual type of photomarathons
- And much much more

Screen dump of the software